Sunday, October 12, 2008

new crockpot/slowcooker

Ok well I havent blogged for a few days... I have been very busy with my new job. But I ventured into the next town and tried out kroger a few days ago. I searched the threads on hcw as to what you could get for free or close to it, so I had my coupons ready, and was ready to go!. So me and my niece were going, well the night before I got sick with a terrible cold, a public bus service was to pick us up at 10am, I had only got to sleep at 6am, I couldnt breathe all night! So, needless to say.... we was late so we had to rush out..... we got there and I could hardly find anything that I had planned.... But I did get the free cottonelle with the 50c coupon.... and some ronzoni smart taste pasta for 33c....maybe luck next time!!!
Well on a good note, I did get a great deal on a crockpot yesterday... I was needng one, I already had a small one that i bought after thanksgiving last year... but that wasnt big enough.... this was a south beach portable one that was on rollback for $17.88 which was a great price!!!