Thursday, February 26, 2009

Easy Entertainment For Free!

I know how it is...its a rainy day and the kids are in the house, and driving you crazy! There is only so far that coloring books and crafts will go! Its the same with my nieces! If you have a Library in your town, go by and register and get a library card (im sure they are free, mine was) Most librarys have more than just books! Our library has tapes, vhs videos, and dvds too! Im allowed to take out 4 dvd movies at a time for free! Better then paying when its not on a 'free redbox dvd' day! I have 3 or 4 days to watch my movies before they have to be returned!

My nieces Lauren & Sarah also enjoying reading so I regularly get about 10 books that I think they will like and we will sit down and read to each other (or in sarahs cause, she reads what she thinks is there! lol) we have so much fun and in the end, the girls are usually mellow and ready for a nap!
The Library is also great for books too. The library I attend, has books in a back room that are donated by the public. They sell them for sometimes 10c and I always find several that Myself & My nieces enjoy.
I stumbled across the author Sophie Kinsella recently. The new movie 'confessions of a shopaholic' is based on her book! After the first I decided to read another and then another. Now im hooked and Im on my 5th book of Sophie Kinsella's! Her stories are based in england (im english so i guess i relate to the characters!), Her books keep me reading, they are quirky, fun, but are about regular things that happen in everyday life, if your a mother/wife in need of a few minutes a day 'get away' Sophie Kinsella's' book are great to get into! I also love the fact that instead of paying $20 for the book I can always go to my library and get it for free!


Pami said...

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~PakKaramu~ said...

Visiting your blog